Hump/spiration: 11.11.2015
Hump/spiration is a weekly post to help get you through the mid-week moping. Featuring fresh designs every Wednesday to help draw out your creative inspiration and liberate you from the mundane!
Hugh the Hunter
Weird Heroes
A short film by Academy Award nominated director Zachary Heinzerling in association with Epoch Films.
I really loved watching this Official Sundance Selection this morning. It’s unique storytelling, dramatic sets, grainy-ness and color grading are just perfect.
A surrealist recontextualization of themes present in the work of artist Hugh Hayden through the form of a storybook fable.
My artistic practice explores shared histories despite disparate appearances.
I utilize natural signifiers such as bark, clothing, feathers, and hair to subvert and add varied perspective to concepts of identity I consider socially ubiquitous. –Hugh Hayden