WLDRNSS is the showcase of freelance creative, Brandon Russell. Based in the Denver metro region of Colorado, he is available for hire across the globe.

Hump/spiration: 12.16.2015

Posted on Dec 16, 2015

Hump/spiration is a weekly post to help get you through the mid-week moping. Featuring fresh designs every Wednesday to help draw out your creative inspiration and liberate you from the mundane!

George Saunders: On Story

presented by Redglass Pictures
a film by Tom Mason and Sarah Klein

As most can figure out, I’m not much of a writer (hence the majority of my blog posts containing lots of imagery and lacking much wording) and for that matter, I’m not much of a reader either. BUT, I do believe in great storytelling, and the importance of great storytelling in productions–eye candy will only get you so far.

The film offers a direct look at the process by which he is able to take a single mundane sentence and infuse it with the distinct blend of depth, compassion, and outright magic that are the trademarks of his most powerful work. George’s revelations, the unique puppetry, visuals and original soundtrack by Antfood make this a must watch for any creative. George’s process for writing truly transcends to the greater whole of creativity and life itself.


George Saunders: On Story Interview Extras
Free reads by George Saunders

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